Mundane Obedience

Discovering God’s glory in our daily obedience

Have you ever cried out in prayer:

God, does my mundane obedience make any difference? Do these ordinary ways of serving You actually bring You glory?​

Dear friend, you are not the only one to wonder and question. For even when we know our daily actions move in obedience, we see the mundane results and wonder how God desires those results.

Yes, I understand the pull you feel toward extraordinary. The longings of watching friends join the mission field. The ache to do something for God that doesn’t mean the same task list day after day.

But the exhaustion of the mundane doesn’t need to control your obedience.​

Friend, it’s time to find freedom in learning how God brings glory to every act of mundane obedience. Take a look at the video below​ for a sneak peak of how.

Travel with me through the chapters of Haggai where you will find:

  • The truth about God’s glory in the midst of your daily obedience​
  • 5 days of study per week — take the two extra days to catch up, spend time praying or apply what you learned in the previous five days!​
  • Rich historical context to grow your understanding of Scripture​
  • Exciting Scripture each day along with focused discussion questions guaranteed to help you gain a better understanding of daily obedience in your own life​
  • Relaxed prayer section at the end of each day, giving you an extra chance to slow down and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and set you up for a day of glorious obedience!​

But this study isn’t just Scripture and questions. Each day includes intro fiction paragraphs written from the eyes of a woman in Jerusalem during the time of Haggai.

These paragraphs will help remind you these Bible verses were actually lived out by ordinary women like you and me. We’re learning about real people who had mouths to feed and work to accomplish daily. These fiction paragraphs will help put that in perspective each day.​

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You Will Also Receive:

Mundane Obedience Bible study bundle
Mundane Obedience prayer cards
Mundane Obedience purposeful moment cards
  • 14 ordinary prayers to provide you with short, focused ways to turn your eyes toward the glory of God in the midst of your everyday.
  • Purposeful moment cards that provide you with space to write out why an ordinary moment holds purpose. You can place them around your house or places where you experience ordinary moments each day to remind yourself of God’s truth!
Emily Saxe head shot

Hello, Friend!

I’m Emily Saxe

Founder of The Everyday Faith Company and this Bible study.

I have been leading Bible studies and small groups since 2010, and writing and editing since 2013.​

With three kids, a home to keep and a business to run, I understand what it’s like to desire joy in my ordinary routine. And, in His grace, God reminded me of something: If I don’t make time for Him, then I’ll never truly experience His joy. He also reminded me of how He’s right here, waiting for me to turn my eyes to Him and invite Him into every ordinary moment of my day!​

And that’s why I started The Everyday Faith Company and create products like this Bible study.​

My mission is to help you unearth the truth of God’s exceptional in your ordinary, busy life. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but we’ll learn together just how amazing our God is as He continues to use ALL things for His great purpose.​

Don’t waste another minute wondering how your obedience brings God glory!