UEF Online Resources 1

Unearthing Everyday Faith Online Resources


Theme: Prayer

Hi, friend! Welcome to this unearthing everyday faith theme of prayer. To get started, watch the video below on why I chose this theme and what I’m praying we all unearth!


Watch the video below for the unearthing of each of the products in your box this month!

Your Online Resources!


Devotional Articles

Start each week off this month by reading these devotional articles on praying through your ordinary.

Week 1: The Spiritual Disciplines Part 2: Prayer

Week 2: Prayer Tips for When You’re Stuck in a Rut

Week 3: 31 Prayers for Refreshing Daily Joy

Week 4: How to Distinguish Between God’s Voice and My Own

Phone Backgrounds

Download these four phone backgrounds and remind yourself to pray each time you look at your phone!

Download here

How do I get these on my phone?

Click on the link above and click download when prompted. Your phone should either pop up with your downloads or show you a button to access your downloads. Click on the file to open, then save each image to your device!

PDF Downloads

Want your subscription box items on your device? Download the items below and have them anywhere for your convenience!

Unearthing Everyday Faith Journal

Prayers for Your Ordinary Devotional

Prayers for Your Ordinary Cards

Nature Image Cards


Happy unearthing, friend!