UEF Online Resources 7

Unearthing Everyday Faith Online Resources


This Month’s Theme: Paying Attention

Hi, friend! Welcome to this month’s unearthing everyday faith theme of Paying Attention. To get started, watch the video below on why I chose this theme and what I’m praying we all unearth this month!


Your Online Resources!


Devotional Articles

Start each week off this month by reading these devotional articles on getting rid of distractions and having eyes to see Jesus daily.

Week 1: How the Fruit of the Spirit Develops in Your Ordinary

Week 2: 3 Tips for Discovering God in Your Everyday

Week 3: Three Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

Week 4: Finding the Hidden Moments

Bonus Tools

Need some additional obedience resources when it comes to your everyday? Here are tools to help you put into practice paying attention to God at work each day.

Paying Attention Today: Use this tool as a tangible way for praying about and writing out how you see God working.

Scripture to Memorize: Here is a starting point for verses that might help you remember God is present throughout the day!

PDF Downloads

Want your subscription box items on your device? Download the items below and have them anywhere for your convenience!

More Prayers for Your Ordinary Devotional

Fruit of the Spirit Prayer Cards

Paying Attention Tool


I wanted to share with you some of my favorite resources for those moments when I need help paying attention to God at work!

Stacey Pardoe – Encountering God in the Ordinary Blog

Praying for Purpose for Women

Blank journal page — seriously, spend time writing out a prayer, and your focus will shift to God more easily!

Happy unearthing friend, and I’ll talk to you next month!