UEF Online Resources 3

Unearthing Everyday Faith Online Resources

Your Online Resources for Spring Cleaning Your Heart!


Devotional Articles

Start each week off this month by reading these devotional articles on getting rid of distractions and having eyes to see Jesus daily.

Week 1: 3 Ways to Recognize a Callous Heart Toward God

Week 2: What Does the Clutter in Your Home Reflect About Your Life?

Week 3: Help for Staying Organized this Summer

Week 4: How to Grow in Christ When It’s More Tempting to Sit and Swing

Bonus Tools

Want extra tools to help you with seeing God’s ordinary through spring cleaning this month? Here are three tools to help!

Today’s Time with God: Build upon last month’s theme of Scripture with this simple way to be intentional about your time with God!

Decluttering Tool: Want a simple yet effective way to look at your schedule and figure out the idols versus the things that hold eternal value in your life? Use this tool to put into practice spring cleaning your routine!

Daily Tips to Fight Lies: Sometimes we need a little help fighting those lies we believe, those lies that keep us from seeing Jesus. Here are a few tips to help!

PDF Downloads

Want your subscription box items on your device? Download the items below and have them anywhere for your convenience!

A Season of Cleansing Devotional

Praying Scripture Cards

Combating Lies Packet


I wanted to share with you some of my favorite resources when it comes to spring cleaning the aspects of my day that keep me from seeing Jesus!

Shane & Shane Radio Pandora Station

Solid Joys App (this is also on Spotify if you don’t have an iPhone)

“God is Better” Francis Chan Sermon Jam


Happy unearthing, friend!