Fruit of the Spirit Prayers Everyday Faith Company

9 Everyday Fruit of the Spirit Prayers

Ending your day feeling as if you missed out on growing closer to God is never a good feeling. How does this happen? You start your day in prayer, wanting more of God, only to then go about your day’s activities and completely miss Him. 

Part of the problem is we expect and desire God to show up in crazy, extraordinary ways. But what if He showed up more through the fruit of His Spirit than through the spectacular? What if we missed countless moments of God at work through His Spirit revealing His love, joy, peace and patience?

That’s where these everyday fruit of the Spirit prayers come into your routine. Until we begin praying for eyes to see God at work in the mundane, in our ordinary, we’re going to miss some amazing God moments. 

Fruit of the Spirit Prayers Everyday Faith Company

9 Everyday Fruit of the Spirit Prayers

Praying for the fruit of the Spirit to show up throughout your day is an eye-opening way to grow closer to God in the midst of the everyday. These nine everyday fruit of the Spirit prayers will help guide your heart and mind as you not just desire to see more of God, but also as you put into practice that desire through prayer (and if you want a box full of tangible ways to do this, check out my growth box with resources to help you here!).

A Prayer for Seeing Your Love

God of Love, let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love (Psalm 143:8). I am truly trying each day to put my trust in You. Give me eyes to see this love and a spirit to receive it. Forgive me for when You show up with Your love and I reject it. Help me overcome my need to sit in sinful emotions. Your love is better than life!


A Prayer for Seeing Your Joy

My Ultimate Joy, splendor and majesty are before You, strength and joy are in Your dwelling place (1 Chronicles 16:27). And You dwell within me. Which means I have access to that strength and joy! Thank You for graciously offering me Your joy, something I could never experience on my own or by anything this world has to offer.


A Prayer for Seeing Your Peace

Protector of My Heart, I cannot praise You enough for guarding me with Your peace. May I remember to come before You with thanksgiving, presenting my requests only after I praise Your Name. I thank You in advance for how Your peace will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, something that is beyond my understanding (Philippians 4:6-7)!


A Prayer for Seeing Your Patience

God of Mercy, You know what I’m waiting for. While most of the time I do not wait patiently, I ask that You would reveal this fruit of the Spirit to me in ways that encourage my waiting soul. I know what I am ultimately waiting for — Your kingdom come — is where my hope truly lies. Help me focus on this eternal perspective, and may it provide me with patience in the midst of what I’m waiting for here on earth.


A Prayer for Seeing Your Kindness

My Portion, You exercise perfect kindness in the face of all my sin. And You also exercise perfect justice and righteousness. As I look for You throughout this day, remind me that in the midst of this crazy world, where I add my own sin to the mess, You are my true portion. I wait for You to govern this world with Your kindness, justice and righteousness (Lamentations 3:21-26). May I look now on Your kindness as I go about my day.


A Prayer for Seeing Your Goodness

Oh Lord, may Your goodness overcome evil this day. Show me how I can reflect that goodness to those around me. Help me truly believe You are good, no matter what my eyes see or ears hear about this world. In my own little bubble today, I humbly ask that You would reveal that goodness to me in some way.


A Prayer for Seeing Your Faithfulness

Faithful One, I praise You this day! You are always faithful! You never go back on Your promises. You never lie. You never change. May I worship You this day for Your faithfulness, for because of it I can hold unswervingly to the hope I profess. Thank You, Jesus!


A Prayer for Seeing Your Gentleness

Father God, open my eyes to Your gentleness so that my gentleness through You may be evident to all. I pray that this fruit of Your Spirit will reveal itself through me today so that those I come in contact with will know You are near. Only through You can I have a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:3-4)!


A Prayer for Seeing Your Self-Control

My Strength, I’m exhausted from fighting sin and from standing strong when I see so many others giving into what this world says is good and loving. I know full well what Your Word says and what Truth is. Help me see Your self-control today so that I may glean encouragement and strength to not conform to the patterns of this world. Continue to renew me with Your truth (Romans 12:2). Thank You, Jesus!


What Now?

As you use these everyday fruit of the Spirit prayers, begin paying more attention throughout your day. God does reveal Himself to you, and He desires you to grow closer to Him. Your longing for Him is not misplaced, friend. He wants you to notice Him, to praise Him, to feel satisfied in Him.

Fruit of the Spirit prayer cards Everyday Faith Company

May these prayers for the fruit of the Spirit open your eyes and excite your mind to see God working right in the midst of your daily life! And if you want these prayers plus five bonus prayers delivered to your device as beautiful prayer cards — FOR FREE! — subscribe right here!

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