Welcome, Friend!
I’m Emily Saxe.
creator of The Everyday Faith Company

My life appears pretty ordinary when looked at through the lens of the world: a wonderful husband, three crazy yet adorable boys, and a schedule that looks the same nearly every single day.
My role as “mom” takes up the majority of my time here in our Ohio home, and my work for The Everyday Faith Company means dates with my computer after the boys are in bed.
“Normal” and “ordinary” are words I would definitely use to describe my life.
But I have a confession to make.
Although “normal” can be absolutely wonderful with my beautiful family, I struggle most days to understand the purpose in the everyday.
While your normal may look different than mine, I’m guessing you have your own areas that scream at you, “Shouldn’t my life feel more significant??”
But I’ve come to realize this beautiful truth: My everyday doesn’t have to be exceptional in the eyes of the world. It’s exceptional to God.
Want to know why? Because He’s the One who entrusted it to me. There is beauty in the ordinary, because that’s where we can see Him working in the daily grind.
And that’s why I started The Everyday Faith Company.
What began as a simple website to encourage through my articles has turned into a ministry I use to guide readers into truly believing their everyday is not so ordinary after all.
I want to encourage you, dear friend, to unearth God’s joy in your own everyday. Ready to begin?
How I Help You Unearth God’s Joy
Bible Studies
Devotional Studies
Growth Boxes
Yes, you truly can experience God’s joy in your everyday. And, actually, your life isn’t as mundane as you might believe!

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Start experiencing joy in your everyday with the FREE devotional “Prayers for Your Ordinary” that will help you pray through your ordinary moments.